
Best Practices for Building Your Website

Best Practices for Structuring Your Website

When you’re building a website, following the right steps is crucial for ensuring it turns out well. From planning it out to launching it and keeping it running smoothly, all the little details matter!

Following best practices covers everything from making sure it looks good and works well for users, to ensuring it’s safe and speedy. By sticking to these guidelines, you’re not just making your website look and work better – you’re setting yourself up for success and making sure your visitors have a great experience, too.

How to Build Your Sitemap

Website sitemaps are essentially navigational blueprints, guiding users and search engine crawlers through the intricate maze of web content. A sitemap provides a structured list of all accessible pages within a website, aiding the organisation and categorisation of information. By offering a bird’s-eye view of a site’s architecture, sitemaps enhance the user experience by allowing for easy exploration and efficient access to content.

Plus, search engines rely on sitemaps to index web pages effectively, improving the website’s visibility and search engine optimisation (SEO) performance. Whether in XML format for search engines or HTML format for human users, a well-designed sitemap is indispensable for ensuring seamless navigation and maximising the discoverability of web content.

The best way to set out your sitemap is to follow these rules:

  • Plan the website structure: Identify main categories and subcategories of content.
  • Use XML sitemap generators or plugins: Automatically generate XML sitemaps for search engine indexing.
  • Create an HTML sitemap: Provide a user-friendly overview of the website’s structure for visitors.
  • Update sitemap regularly: Add new pages and remove outdated ones to maintain accuracy.
  • Prioritise essential pages: Ensure important content is included in the sitemap for indexing and navigation.
  • Submit XML sitemap to search engines: Use webmaster tools to notify search engines and expedite indexing.
  • Consider user experience: Design the sitemap layout for easy navigation and understanding by visitors.
  • Include metadata: The XML sitemap should include additional information about each URL, such as the last modified date or priority.

What You Need in Your Hero Section

A hero section on a webpage aims to capture visitors’ attention and set the tone for their browsing experience. Typically positioned at the top of the page, a hero section should have compelling visuals, concise messaging, and clear calls to action. Whether through striking imagery, captivating videos, or clear and concise headlines, the hero section communicates the essence of the website’s brand, purpose, or key offerings in a visually engaging way.

By strategically integrating elements such as descriptive text, buttons, and background effects, the hero section guides visitors towards the actions you want them to take, such as exploring further content, making a purchase, or signing up for a newsletter. With its strategic placement and impactful design, the hero section plays a crucial role in creating a memorable and immersive first impression, enticing visitors to look further into the website’s offerings.

The best way to build your hero section is by keeping it simple:

  • Define the purpose: Identify the main goal of the hero section, whether it’s to introduce the brand, highlight key products/services, or encourage user engagement.
  • Choose captivating visuals: Select high-quality images or videos that resonate with the target audience and effectively convey the message or mood you want to evoke.
  • Craft compelling copy: Use concise and persuasive language to communicate the value proposition or key message, ensuring clarity and relevance.
  • Incorporate clear calls to action (CTAs): Include prominent buttons or links that encourage visitors to take the action you want them to, such as exploring further content, making a purchase, or signing up.
  • Optimise for responsiveness: Ensure the hero section adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes and devices, maintaining visual appeal and functionality across desktop, tablet, and mobile platforms.


The Best Way to Navigate

The menu section on a website is its navigational hub, guiding visitors through the various pages and sections of the site with ease. It should be positioned prominently, typically at the top of the page or in a sidebar, and present a structured list of links to key areas such as about, services, products, and contact.

Through clear labeling and intuitive organisation, the menu provides efficient navigation, allowing people to quickly locate the information they need or to explore specific topics of interest. Dropdown menus or mega menus can provide further categorisation and hierarchy, enhancing usability for sites with extensive content. The menu section ensures accessibility and discoverability of the website’s content, so pick the design that works for you.

Don’t Know Where to put Your Content?

Building web pages involves several key steps to create functional and visually appealing online content. Take these easy steps to get started:

  • Plan the page layout and structure, outlining the placement of elements such as headers, text blocks, images, and interactive components.
  • Write the HTML code to define the page’s structure, including tags for headings, paragraphs, links, and media embeds.
  • Use CSS to style the page elements, applying colours, fonts, spacing, and other visual properties to enhance the design and ensure consistency across the site.
  • Incorporate JavaScript to add interactivity and dynamic features such as animations, form validations, and responsive behaviour.
  • Optimise the page for performance and accessibility, ensuring fast loading times and compatibility with various devices and browsers.
  • Regular testing and refinement are essential to ensure a seamless user experience and adherence to best practices.


Building your website.

Following the right steps is key to making a website that works – you want it to grab people’s attention, show up well in searches, and achieve what you want it to. Things change fast online, so it’s essential to keep learning and stay up-to-date with what’s new.

By sticking to best practices, your website won’t just look good and be easy to use— it’ll also bring real value to everyone who visits it. Ready to take your online game to the next level? Let’s chat— mnmlst can help you create websites that stand out and get results.
